Welcome to the online home of the 1st Hampton Hill Sea Scouts Group. We have been offering scouting and boating activities for boys and girls since 1925. Our sections offer a wide range of boating, camping and indoor pursuits, and we have some of the best equipped facilities in the district for all our activities. We have vacancies for new members in all sections and for leaders and helpers. Contact us to find out more.
13-14/04/2024 - Cubs - Medieval Theme Camp
20-21/04/2024 - Explorers - Bronze DofE Expedition
11/05/2024 - Beavers - Experiment Badge Day
12/05/2024 - Scouts - Day Navigation Hike
18/05/2024 - All - Family Boating Day
07-09/06/2024 - Scouts - Water Activities Weekend
22/06/2024 - Scouts - Local Knowledge Weekend
05-07/07/2024 - Explorers - Silver DofE Practice Expedition
27/07/2024 - All - Family Boating Day
17-24/08/2024 - All - Summer Camp
21-22/09/2024 - Scouts - London Transport Expedition
05-06/10/2024 - Beavers - Beaver Fun Days
25-27/10/2024 - Explorers - Scarefest